Hello there!

My name is Odyssey Alisan and yes, it really is my name! Let me walk you through my own lingo odyssey!

Like the rest of the world, I am on my ongoing odyssey – a series of long, exciting, and adventurous journeys or experiences. 

More precisely, as an English language teacher, I have been primed by my formal training in Bachelor of Education Major in English with Certificate in TESL , and then fortified by fifteen years of teaching a myriad of people from different walks of life.  I have taught and consequently coached over 2,000 English language learners who have greatly appreciated my methodology and vivacious approach, at one of the most reputable language schools in Montreal, Canada.

On a more personal note, my earliest language adventure started in my native country the Philippines wherein more than 120 active languages are spoken across more than 7, 641 islands. There are two official languages: Filipino and English that are taught in schools. English is used as the official medium of instruction.  Since I grew up in another region, I had to learn its own official language as well called Hiligaynon.  I found it fascinating having to navigate through these three languages that are independent from one another. My formal education from primary school up until university, facilitated my steady linguistic advancement, especially in English. My interests and hobbies such as listening to music, watching animated tv shows and films, reading comic books, and later enjoying MTV shows reinforced more of my language acquisition capabilities. Without question, my 15 years of teaching has sharpened my skills and cemented my proficiency not only as a teacher but as a language learner as well.

Another pivotal point on this journey is my immigration experience in Quebec as an adult. It has propelled me to pursue another learning journey and this time, in French language.  As an expressive and creative individual, for me language wields so much power!  For myself, the most challenging part of immigration is not the climate acclimation nor the systematic differences, but the real task is the substantial comprehension and expression of the language.  The term ‘lingo’ refers to the language of a specific group of people.  Language connects us to a world of human experience that involves cultural, social, and political systems. I thought to myself, how could I function well and be fulfilled in my new life here if I can’t even speak and participate in this society? 

My French language journey has been filled with necessary work and challenges especially while doing my full-time courses in Francisation.  That was more than a decade ago wherein mobile dictionaries, translators and online language platforms were not yet available.  But with consistent investment in time, tools, strategies, deliberate efforts, matched with unwavering courage, I have earned a degree of competency.  I embrace my lingo odyssey with enthusiasm and pride because it has given me so much sense of agency and so much empowerment. I get to choose how to be, what to do, or what to pursue in life.

My lingo odyssey has opened many paths for further pursuits and my overall contentment as I have access and appreciation for both the anglosphere and francosphere.  I have made a home in a new country, specifically in a Francophone society wherein I can willingly participate in and can proudly belong to.

Thus, my combined professional and personal involvements both in language teaching and learning have amassed me a treasure trove of knowledge, skills, tools, and resources over the years.  Such a wellspring of capabilities allows me to further develop and apply tried and true learning strategies for effective language acquisition.  I embody this successful learning process.

And so, after having positively impacted over 2,000 language learners, I am convinced that I can extend and offer more of my value to this society. I aim to support and to empower English language learners with effective approaches and strategies that are consistent and adapted to their specific needs and goals. 

I take immense pride and fulfillment in helping others develop their linguistic skills because I would love for them as well to experience such a richness of opportunities and accomplishments.

If learning English is the bridge to where they need to go, then I would be delighted and honored to build it with them. 

It is not going to be an easy journey, but we all know for sure that in life, remarkable things take energy, focus and time. 

And remarkable adventures are worth all of it!

May this first step take you to all the adventures you desire!

Happy odyssey!

“Our goal in foreign language pedagogy is to bring students to the point where they are autonomous acquirers, prepared to continue to improve on their own. . . an “autonomous acquirer” has two characteristics:

● The autonomous acquirer has acquired enough of the second language so that at least some authentic input is comprehensible, enough to ensure progress and the ability to acquire still more language.

● The autonomous acquirer will understand the language acquisition process. The autonomous acquirer will know that progress comes from comprehensible input, not from grammar study and vocabulary lists, and will understand ways of making input more comprehensible (e.g. getting background information, avoiding obviously incomprehensible input).

This is, of course, the goal of all education – not to produce masters but to allow people to begin work in their profession and to continue to grow.” – Stephen D. Krashen, 2004